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Reopening Instructor Training

This post originally appeared on the Software Carpentry website.

For the last ten months, the Software Carpentry Foundation has worked toward three goals for its instructor training program:

  1. Make the content more relevant.

  2. Increase the number of people able to deliver instructor training.

  3. Find a format that meets everyone’s needs in a sustainable way.

We have made a lot of progress on all three, and are therefore now able to offer instructor training once again to people who aren’t affiliated with our partner organizations, but would like to teach Software Carpentry, Data Carpentry, or both (as the course is shared by both organizations). If you wish to apply to take part in one of the two open-enrollment classes we will offer this fall, please fill in the form at:


to tell us about yourself, what excites you about teaching, and how Software and Data Carpentry can help in your community. We will notify applicants as spaces become available. If you have any questions, please mail training@software-carpentry.org.

If you would like to accelerate the process, check out our Partnership program. Organizational partners make ongoing commitments to supporting our organization and are prioritized for instructor training. If you need help making the case at your organization, feel free to contact us at partnerships@software-carpentry.org: we’d be happy to help.

Please note that as a condition of taking this training, you must:

  • abide by our code of conduct, which can be found at http://software-carpentry.org/conduct/ and http://datacarpentry.org/code-of-conduct/,

  • agree to teach at a Software Carpentry or Data Carpentry workshop within 12 months of the course, and

  • complete three short tasks after the course in order to complete certification. The tasks take a total of approximately 8-10 hours, and are described at <{{site.training_url}}/checkout/>.

For more information on Software and Data Carpentry instructor training, please see the course material at:


Please also see this additional post, which answers some frequently-asked questions about this training.

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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