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Genomics Bug BBQ

This post originally appeared on the Data Carpentry website

Bug BBQ starting today, Monday, September 18th!

Be a part of the Genomics Data Carpentry lesson release! We held an Issue Bonanza last month to identify everything from typos to updates in code blocks and had some discussions on broader re-organization. Our next step is to go through and resolve those issues and determine ordering of the lessons.

To help us get over the finish line we’re having a Bug BBQ September 18th - 19th (whatever this is in your time zone!) to squash as many of these bugs as we can, and continue discussions. The Bug BBQ is also an opportunity for you to engage with our world-wide community. For more info about the event, read-on and visit our Bug BBQ Etherpad.

What are the Genomics Data Carpentry lessons?

The Data Carpentry Genomics lessons are the modules of a 2 or 3 day workshop teaching the foundational skills for working effectively with genomics data. The focus of this workshop is working with genomics data, and data management & analysis for genomics research. They cover metadata organization in spreadsheets, data organization, connecting to and using cloud computing, the command line for sequence quality control and bioinformatics workflows, and R for data analysis and visualization. They don’t focus on any particular bioinformatics tools, but the foundational skills that allow you to conduct any analysis.

See more at the Genomics Workshop Overview page.

How can you participate?

The Genomics lessons are going through some updates as they’re being prepared for more teaching. Today is focused on resolving existing issues, but if you find new issues or want to start or continue a discussion, you can start an issue too.

To contribute:

If you want help with GitHub or you’re new to GitHub, today is a great day! There will be lots of people on the gitter chat channel, so questions there are great and people are more than happy to help! No previous git experience is required.

Some more notes on how to contribute

Where will this be?

Where will this be? Join in from where you are: No need to go anywhere - you can participate in a global community and open and collaborative lesson development from your desk!

If you’d like to get together with other people working on these lessons live, let people know where you’ll be participating on the Bug BBQ Etherpad and join the conversation on our gitter channel.

The Bug BBQ is going to be a great chance to get the community together, get more work done on the Genomics lessons, and prepare to teach more genomics workshops! Work on these lessons also gives you and all our contributors credit for your hard work with a citable object - we will be minting a DOI for this on publication that can go on your CV!

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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