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CarpentryCon 2020 - Updates from The Task Force

CarpentryCon 2020 is a key networking and community building event in The Carpentries’ annual calendar. The program is filled with events that will allow the participants to network, build community and skill up their technical skills all at once. The event will be held in Madison, Wisconsin, in the United States and you do not want to miss it!

Throughout the conference the attendees will be focusing on “Growing Inclusive, Computational Communities and Leaders”. The exact program is still being finalised, but an outline of the sessions is available on the CarpentryCon 2020 website and there will be announcements in the next month about our keynote speakers and which sessions have been chosen.

A big thank you to Alfred P. Sloan foundation for making CarpentryCon 2020 possible.

Come to CarpentryCon!

Registration is currently OPEN! Be sure to get your ticket. We cannot wait to see you in Madison, Wisconsin.

If you plan to apply for financial support to attend CarpentryCon, please complete the google application FIRST. Please do not complete the Eventbrite registration form. If you are approved for financial aid, you will be given instructions for registering for the conference.

The local organisers have reserved rooms in both hotel and dorm housing and written up recommendations for travel and getting around Madison. See the travel and accommodation pages on the website for more information and to start making travel plans.

Contribute to CarpentryCon!

There are two keys ways that you can help the CarpentryCon 2020 Task force make the conference amazing:

  • program submissions and
  • soliciting sponsorship.

Proposals for sessions (breakouts, workshops and skill-ups) are still open until 20 February - you can submit yours here.

Proposals for poster presentations and lightning talks are now open! You can submit your proposal here.

The Budget Subcommittee is working diligently to secure funding to be able to plan a conference that is unforgettable. If you would like to assist, please review this blog post on how you can help us!

Stay Connected to CarpentryCon!

There will be more information and opportunities to contribute in the next few months as we lead up to CarpentryCon 2020. Stay tuned on one of the following channels to hear about our keynote speakers and other ongoing announcements!

CarpentryCon on Twitter

The Carpentries on TopicBox

Carpentries Blog or CarpentryCon blog

And finally, we will have more information coming about a Community Call on April 7 to share your ideas and get excited about the conference!

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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