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Announcing Our New Curriculum Advisors!

I am very excited to announce the formation of new Curriculum Advisory Committees to support several of our curricula!

In September 2021, we put out a call for applications to form Curriculum Advisory Committees (CACs) for seven Data Carpentry and Software Carpentry curricula. We received 36 applications, which were reviewed by previous Curriculum Advisors and Core Team members. Twenty-five individuals were invited to join, and twenty-three completed onboarding to become members of the Software Carpentry CAC and three Data Carpentry CACs (Astronomy, Genomics, and Geospatial). Three individuals were invited to join the Data Carpentry Ecology and Data Carpentry Image Processing CACs, which will form after a second round of recruitment in May. Several existing members of the Library Carpentry CAC also participated in onboarding, with the goal of bringing lesson support processes in closer alignment across all of The Carpentries Lesson Programs.

Please join me in welcoming our newest Curriculum Advisors!

  • Adam Hughes
  • Alison Meynert
  • Anita Schurch
  • Annajiat Alim Rasel
  • Azalee Bostroem
  • Brett Morris
  • Byron J. Smith
  • Elizabeth McDaniel
  • Heather Andrews
  • Ivelina Momcheva
  • James Balamuta
  • Jason Williams
  • Jeff Hollister
  • Justin Fain
  • Menglan Xiang
  • Meredith Rawls
  • Mike Mahoney
  • Ming Tang
  • Naupaka Zimmerman
  • Phil Rosenfield
  • Rachel Lee McClure
  • Rich McCue
  • Stephen Appel

Interested in learning more about the role of Curriculum Advisors in supporting our lessons? Read all about it in The Carpentries Handbook.

Have an item you’d like to bring to the Curriculum Advisors for discussion? Contact them through their mailing lists shown on the Curriculum Advisors homepage.

Interested in becoming a Curriculum Advisor? Make sure you’re subscribed to our newsletter to learn about upcoming calls for applications.

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Last edited: 2024-04-29 at 14:57:25 UTC

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